
Thank the heavens above

You've been wondering where I have been, haven't you?  Take a peek below and try to figure it out for yourself.

Of all years, seems this is one I wish to forget much of.  It certainly wasn't ALL bad, but there was enough bad stuff to last a lifetime.  Here is a recap so you can enjoy what life was like for my family...in no certain order, because I don't have the mental capacity to relive this year in order:

The boy turned 5 and had his first "kid" party at Hero's.  It was really fun.
I turned 41 and the husband turned 42.
I got a 3% raise.
Our house was broken into and $9,000 worth of items were stolen or damaged.
We celebrated our 12th wedded anniversary.
The boy graduated from Pre-K.
I haven't had the energy or drive to exercise all year.
I have had awful Fibromyalgia flare ups. 
Some days, it is a struggle to move.
The boy sliced his finger open with his dad's knife.
His dad passed out on the floor when he saw the blood.
I got a new tooth, my gums trimmed and my teeth whitened.
The husband had severe pain in his feet, ankles and knees and could hardly walk for a week.  Possible Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Unemployment benefits dried up.
We lived on my salary alone for 3 months.
We were poor.
My car windshield is still cracked and I still don't care.
I painted the foyer (up the stairs, down the stairs), living room and dining room.
The boy started Kindergarten.
His behavior is awful and although he is academically advanced, he has behavioral issues.
The boy sits at a single desk away from the rest of his classmates who sit at tables of 6 because he cannot sit still, cannot respect others space and is distracting.
The boy had scarlet fever.
Grandma died.
Our house was broken into, again, and $8,700 worth of items stolen or damaged.
The husband beat the hell out of some guy in a convertible for stopping in the road and flipping him the bird.
The boy was in the truck and witnessed this attack.
I wrote a letter to Mayor Bell about our break-ins and got a call within a week.
The summer was hot and miserable and made me sick(er).
The husband had stomach pains so bad we called 911.  Turns out he had a perforated doudenal ulcer (a hole in his intestines) and needed emergency surgery.
This was life or death surgery.  LIFE.OR.DEATH.
He was in the hospital for 6 days.
Uncle and 2 cousins died.
The husband got a job.
The husband lost a job because the owner was a disorganized idiot.
The husband got another job.
The husband quit the job because at the end of his probation, it didn't look like they were going to have much work for him so he went elsewhere.
The husband took a job - making peanuts - because peanuts were better than nothing.
Lost 3 high school friends, 2 took their own lives.
The boy had a staph infection that the Dr worried was in his bones it was so bad.  Thankfully was not, but he had an allergic reaction to the meds and broke out in an awful rash over his entire body.
I became an Independent Stylist for Jewel Kade and have been able to make a few large purchases and have a decent christmas.
Lost a good friend and neighbor.
The husband had cellulitis on a cut on his arm.  It had to be sliced open, drained and packed.  He was off work for 4 days. unpaid, on double antibiotics and pain meds. 
We got a dog.
I love the dog, but he sheds.  A lot!
I drove myself to the emergency room because my back hurt so bad I was not able to move for 2 days. 
Grandpa died.
I had a sinus infection for 8 1/2 weeks.
And there are a couple things I can't even talk about.  They're THAT bad.

And, the icing on the cake...

I lost my job on December 16th.

Two Thousand Eleven can BITE ME.