
100 Things About Me

How about 100 Things About Me that you never wanted to know, but I am going to tell you anyway. Or, who knows, maybe you did want to know.

1. I got married when I was 29 years old
2. I started getting acne at 29 years old
3. I'm still married
4. I still have acne
5. I've known my husband since 1985
6. We did not *ahem* date in high school
7. I have had a crush on my husband since 1985
8. I hate being hot
9. I hate summer
10. I hate beaches and beach vacations
11. I had my only child at age 36
12. He is the love of my life
13. Actually, I am lucky enough to have 2 loves of my life, my husband and son
14. I smoked for 13 years
15. I don't really remember being a smoker
16. I think my son is cuter and smarter than all other children
17. My biggest regret is that I did not go to college
18. I manage to make as much as many of my degreed friends, despite this
19. I love shoes and handbags
20. I like to paint...walls
21. I read every night
22. I like monster truck shows
23. I gained 65 lbs with my pregnancy
24. I still have 40 to lose
25. I hated, no HATED, being pregnant
26. Breastfeeding gives me the willys
27. I have, and will probably always have, boob issues
28. I don't care if this offends you
29. I like being entitled to my opinion
30. I cannot understand a thing most pre-schoolers say, except my son
31. I love Facebook
32. Twitter does little for me
33. I am a spend thrift
34. I manage to squander away money too
35. Some of my friends are trainwrecks
36. Compulsive lying irritates me
37. I have Fibromyalgia
38. I thought everyone was in pain all the time
39. I have been coloring my hair for 15 years
40. I am proud of my fair skin
41. I've had 2 squamous cell carcinoma spots removed from my back
42. I sleep 8-9 hours every night
43. I love coffee
44. Vodka is my liquor of choice
45. I love beer
46. and wine
47. I have an older brother
48. We haven't spoken since I was 16 years old
49. I have 2 large tattoo's on my back, 7 tats total
50. I love my Blackberry
51. I have recently considered getting a Droid and feel guilty
52. I am learning how to shoot a gun
53. I love shooting guns
54. I'm damn good at shooting guns
55. I love the rush and feeling of control that shooting gives me
56. I think my husband is incredibly sexy and has an amazing physique
57. I hate being fat
58. I thought I was crazy for 2 years before my Fibromyalgia diagnosis
59. Sometimes I really like my job
60. I love gardening, as long as it isn't hot outside
61. I would move to Europe in a minute
62. I own one Apple product and hate it
63. Desperate Housewives is the only show I watch regularly
64. via on-demand, because I can't stay awake that late
65. I like Kick Buttowski, Suburban Daredevil
66. My son will be attending private school for free
67. Because we live in the 'hood
68. I love my 'hood
69. I wouldn't live anywhere else in Toledo
70. Eventhough our house was broken in to and $9k worth of stuff was stolen
71. I love Mexican, Indian, Asian, Middle Eastern foods
72. I rarely eat american fare
73. We try to patronize local restaurants as often as possible
74. My car windshield has been cracked since last June and I don't care
75. I prefer 30 degrees to 80, any day
76. The smell inside Subway (restaurant) makes me gag
77. My husband and son love Subway
78. I am a huge procrastinator
79. I love my parents dearly
80. I have 2 cats that I love dearly too
81. My son wants a dog
82. I really do.not.like.dogs.
83. I like to take pictures
84. I text my husband and bff at least 30 times a day
85. My parents are the only people I talk to on the phone
86. Outside of work
87. I love the way Cymbalta (Fibro med) makes me feel, but it's making me fatter
88. Which makes me feel rotten
89. I think Madonna (Ciccone) is amazing
90. My bff and I have very little in common
91. I am lazy
92. I hate to exercise
93. I find it absolutely impossible to put away my laundry
94. I love chocolate
95. I ate chocolate every day while pregnant
96. I don't like ground beef
97. You couldn't pay me to eat celery
98. All other vegetables are yummy though
99. I wear black every day
100. Nobody reads my blog, and I don't care

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