
Throat Slitting

I was out of my mind with anxiety over the thought of having this cervical surgery.  Out of my friggin mind.  Out.Of.My.Mind.  Did you get that?


On Tuesday, I met with an Orthopedic Surgeon at UT Medical Center.  After talking to his assistant (a cute-ish Dr in training), he and the Ortho reviewed my MRI.  They both came back in and did a couple strength tests, and then the Ortho said this (kinda sorta verbatim):

You do have a ruptured disc, but since you've only been feeling this way for a few weeks, I do not think surgery is the right thing to do at this time.  Lets start with some medication and physical therapy.  We'll do that for about 4 weeks.  If that doesn't work, we will schedule a steroid injection.  And if that doesn't work, then maybe we will talk about surgery.  BUT, I think you will find much relief from the medication and physical therapy and won't even need to get the shots.


Then he said this:  I am very surprised that the Neurosurgeon you saw said your only option was surgery.  That is not at all how we feel about your condition, and we feel other options should be explored/exhausted before we consider surgery.  


So, my PT starts next week and I am taking Methylprednisolone (a 6 day pack) and Neurontin.  I'm thankful that the Methylprednisolone is only for 6 days as there is the chance of weight gain.  That't the last thing in the world that I need.  The Neurontin could cause all sorts of weird mood issues like "frank psychotic manifestations"...whatever the heck that means  But, it could also cause euphoria.  So far...euphoria is the only side effect I have had.  And I rather like it.

My arm is a leetle bit sore, my index finger is still numb and I occassionally have muscle twitches, but the terrible pain and feeling that my arm is going to fall of, or rather is being PULLED off has gone away.  I am giddy and giggly and feel good.  It's very weird.  Sort of...er, euphoric.

I'm diggin it.

And lastly, my son named his stuffed dog "Rudy Kazootie"....where does this random weirdness come from.  

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