

Dear Zane,

The time has past so fast and I am amazed and awed by you on a daily basis.  Who would have guessed my little Sweet Potato Pumpkin Pie would have turned into such a big boy so quickly. There's no way I could ever compile a comprehensive enough list of YOU, so here are just some tidbits I can think of...

*Vocabulary = incredible.  Our neighbor (an early education teacher of many years) claims that you have the vocabulary of a 6-7 year old.  I'm not sure I believe that, but you are awesome.
*You have an outstanding memory.
*You have started to spell a few words.
*You know your full name and birthdate.
*You were potty trained (pee) in 2 days, and about a week and half for the other.
*You are about 36 lbs, 39" tall.
*You wear a size 8 shoe.
*You are very excited that Daddy is home more and you want to play with him around the clock.
*When you are tired/hurt/sick/crabby, you only want Mommy.
*You are very nice and gentle with the kitties and they are now showing you how much they love you.
*You weren't afraid of Santa Clause, or the photographer who took our family pictures and your 3 yr portraits.
*You say cheese and look at me (usually) when I want to take your picture, which is a welcome change from you saying NO and running the opposite direction.
*You act like a wild boar when it's time to put jammies on for bedtime, but after 2 books, you still settle right down in bed.
*You are still in a crib although we have been talking about your big boy bed recently.  Grandma and Grandpa gave you big boy bedding for your birthday.
*You like to have your door open at night now, and you occassionally talk about monsters, but believe mommy when I tell you that monsters can't get into our house because the kitties would eat them.
*You love trucks, trains, rocks and dirt.  You are all boy.
*You hate time-out, but you continue to do the things that get you there.
*You like to use several different voices and like to make up your own words.
*You love when I use differnt voices when reading books and you always tell me to "talk like the truck/cow/kittens/car wash/slide, etc". 
*You are wearing mostly 3T clothes, but many of them are too short.  4Ts are huge around if they don't have an adjustable waist.
*You went to the dentist for the first time and acted like you have been there a hundred times.
*When mommy is acting silly by calling things in books by the wrong, or goofy, names, you either say "nooooo, it's a ____" or you look at me like I am crazy but you don't want to hurt my feelings and say "okay".
*You have recently started picking up your things when I ask you to...which is very helpful.
*You love to HELP with anything.
*You are obsessed with the hose.  You love to water the plants (you tell everyone..."I'm growing tomatoes by feeding them with the hose"), and the rocks in the back yard.
*You are still a great eater.  Sometimes it's hard to keep you in your chair, but you still eat well and a lot.  And you like most everything.
*You are still addicted to milk, and have never had juice or pop.
*You are a junk food junkie, but it appears you have your father's metabolism.
*Sometimes when I ask you to do something, you reply with "I can't, my back/neck/arm hurts" and it makes me feel terrible.
*You are very outgoing and will talk to anyone.  You very rarely act shy around anyone.
*You pout, and sometimes cry big crocodile tears, when you don't get your way.
*You say you don't need a nap anymore and cause quite a ruccus sometimes but you settle right down once we are in your room reading books.
*You love to snuggle under a blanket on the couch with me.
*You hate brushing your teeth and fight it almost every day.
*You love to look for bugs.  
*You collect sticks, rocks, leaves, grass clippings, etc. whenever we walk around the neighborhood.
*You love to talk on the phone and can actually hold a conversation (well, as much as a 3 yr old can).
*You love playing with your dad's tools.
*You love to push big trucks up and down the sidewak (and anywhere and everywhere).  You are a pusher.
*You are on the go...go...go, around the clock.

I have so much love for you.  People without children can never truly understand how much a child changes your life.  

I love you buddy,

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