
Check. Check. Is this thing on?

Hi, yes, it's me. I am alive. Just caught up in, er, life, I guess. I'm just going to ramble on a bit, how's that?

The boy started his new school. He cries every morning, doesn't want me to leave. But when I pick him up, he rambles on and on about how much fun he had. He has been going almost a full month, and still cries every morning, was sent home with a fever of 101.5, still has a cold, has had the croup. The joys of new germs. Yummy.

They've been practicing for their Holiday Program, which I am insanely excited about. If we wouldn't have made the switch from home sitter to daycare, I wouldn't get a Holiday Program until Kindergarten. So excited I can't stand it, and it hasn't even happened yet.

The boy occasionally asks why he doesn't go to Pat's anymore. I wasn't sure what to say. So, I said "Because Pat wasn't teaching you anything and we want to make sure you are ready for Kindergarten when you get bigger". He bought it. He talks about his little friend Tommy (at Pat's) a lot. I should probably try to get Tommy's moms phone number.

My job is insanely busy. This is good, yes, but I am absolutely beat at the end of the day. I wear about a dozen or so different hats throughout the day and am amazed each and every day when I look up and it's 5pm. Where did the day go? Did I finish one thing from start to finish...likely not. Hats strewn about my desk are very distracting.

The husband quit working with his brother because they can't seem to get along. The 2 days he was working with him were also making it difficult for him to get his school work done. So, now he is staying home all week. He is doing all of the cooking, all of the laundry, and most of the cleaning, which is lovely to come home to. Not sure how long we are going to survive on my salary plus unemployment, but we're going to give it a shot.

I feel like a slug. Failing miserably at WW. Needed a "break" from spin. That was 2 weeks ago. I want to go to spin, and I want to follow WW...but all of those hats are very distracting.

Christmas shopping is done except for nieces and parents. Everything is picked out, just need to buy it. Should be done tomorrow.

Dying for a vacation. Out of my mind that I don't get my annual trip to NYC this year. Have to keep reminding myself that this situation won't last forever and will be in NYC again soon. Also need to remind myself that we are going to Myrtle Beach in the summer. GADS. Every time I say it, it makes me want to barf. Summer in the South. I can't think of anything less appealing. Well...frogs are less appealing. But, that's about it. OMG, and especially if I don't lose this weight. Can you imagine.

Need new living room furniture desperately. No money for it. Husband says it's at the bottom of the priority list. Completely disagree.

Time to wash this L'Oreal Dark Brown hair color out of my hair and hope the gray is gone. If not, I guess it's a good thing I have so many hats.

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