
A Brown Christmas

The day started with excitement oozing out of my 3 1/2 year old. He woke up at 6:30am, came downstairs and was thrilled to see that Santa did indeed make a stop at our house.

Santa overdid it, of course, because if it's worth doing...it's worth overdoing. That's just this Santa's policy. We spent the day playing trucks, legos, Candy Land, Dominoes, Bendaroos, Hungry Hungry Hippos, and learning how to use the Leapster 2. It was fun, for about a couple hours.

Then the overstimulated "fortunate" boy (read: spoiled rotten) started getting whiny, cranky, etc. (See? See what I did there? I talk about overdoing...and then complain that my child is a brat. What the?) Anyway, we popped in the new Tom & Jerry DVD and while that worked for a while, he was still pretty wound up. Obviously overstimulated.

After fighting to get dressed (just like any other day...because he hates clothes, remember), we scooted out the door and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's. Thank goodness for that trip! He took a nap in the car, all 45 minutes of it. It was nice to get out of the house and have the opportunity to pawn him off on G'ma and G'pa for a bit. Plus, there's the fact that he is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT child when around G'ma and G'pa.
Anyway, he had piles more gifts from G'ma and G'pa, and was pretty well behaved for about 2.5 hours...then it went way down hill. Tired. Overstimulated. Time to leave.

He was awake the entire ride home, but once home and laying in bed, he fell asleep within minutes. Barely made it through the first book. Thank goodness!

Speaking of books...THEE coolest gift of all. "Twas the Night Before Christmas" narrated (recorded) by G'ma and G'pa. This is something I think the boy and I will both treasure forever.

It rained the entire day and the dusting of snow we had is now gone and we are left with mud. A brown Christmas. Pfft.

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