
The big AND the little things

The Little:

Ok, so my husband calls me "Boo". He took the Boy to the sitter this morning. On his way out, he kissed me and said "I love you Boo".

All the way down the front porch steps, the Boy kept looking back at me saying "I love you Boo!"

My heart = melting.

The Big:


Stephanie said...

That is the cutest thing ever and the most beautiful thing ever. I'm coming over and checking it out when I'm back for festival. I wish there was a drive when I lived there...wait, I wish there were a lot of things different when I lived there. :)

m2z said...

There was a drive...it was a broken up piece of crap ribbon strip crap crap. Crap. I can't believe it took 6 years to finally get this friggin driveway...and I can't believe how excited I am over concrete! It is beautiful!