
visits. pots. concrete.

So, this morning our good good friend and her 4 children came to visit us. (Her husband had to stay home [in Delaware] and work). It was so great to see her and the kids. It has been almost a hear since we've seen them. It was great to watch the Boy play with them and watch him copy her boy. Her boy would put his hands on his head, the Boy would put his hands on his head, he would put his hands on his belly, the Boy would put his hands on his belly...you see the trend here. It was very cute. All 5(!) of them had a great time playing upstairs in the Boy's playroom! Sooo glad we finally got that room set up! It was a wonderful visit and I do hope our next visit does not take another year.

I was able to get away for a while while the Boy was napping. I went to the nursery to get some plants for my pots. There were some very nice combinations highlighted in the latest BH&G Magazine and I really wanted to create these combinations in my pots. The nursery I went to only had 1 of the items listed...and there were 12 plants on my list! The one plant they had = vinca vine. Hello...everyone carries vinca. Argh. I improvised, and my pots do look nice, but the ones in the mag are stunning. I want stunning!

I need to make it a priority to go to the greenhouse up in Michigan. I always go to the same nursery. I've gone there for the past 6 years and it seems I'm always a bit disappointed over one thing or another. I think this might be my last trip there. Sorry BD...but I'm over you.

And I have fantastic news to share...we're getting a new driveway! This is very exciting to me. You see, we live in a house that was built in 1910...and I think the driveway was put in shortly thereafter and never thought about again. We have the 2 ribbon strips with the patch of grass in the middle. Only, it's not really grass. Mostly weeds, or rocks, or some other random crap and it's irritated me since the day we moved in. They're busted up, they're lopsided, and also not wide enough. We talk about it every year. We've had the money saved, and then we've spent the money saved on something else. Over and over again. Well, it's going to happen this month, and be finished by festival. I am very excited.

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