
Roller coasters

What a roller coaster the past couple days have been. After my husband got punched in the face by one of his mechanics a few weeks ago (my husband is the boss - this guy got fired - after 35 years), we were hopeful that he would get to move into the Parts Room Manager position. A position that has been open since early this year when the Manager retired. It's a lateral move, but it wasn't about the money anyway, it was about the hours. 7am to 5pm Monday thru Friday. Something we have never had in our lives. He has worked jacked up swing shifts since he started working there 8 years ago. This new position was going to be the answer.

We found out Thursday night (when he went in for his 12 hour night shift 7pm-7am) that they gave the position to one of the other Supervisors. A guy who has less seniority and generally complains about everything and is very lazy. My husband is a very hard worker and typically only complains about work outside of work. Here's the thing though...he's not an ass kisser. And the other guy...well, yeah, he's a dick sucker ass kisser. He and the boss are big golfing buddies. I told my husband it was politics and if he just played the game he would find himself in that position instead of that other yahoo.

So, we are pounding the pavement looking for a new job. I don't think either of us can handle this schedule any more. It's a drain on our little family and it's a drain on our relationship. If you know of any jobs out there that would be perfect for my husband please pass them along.

To make matters worse...the boy woke up this morning all raspy and coughing. He was whiney all day. He only napped for 45 minutes (this is usually when I DO things ie: play online, do laundry, clean, etc). Yeah. I didn't get anything accomplished.

There was a little good that happened this weekend. I picked up my new and improved necklace. Actually it's a totally different necklace. Super cool with a huge swarovsky crystal. It's crazy and I like it! Check check checkitout.

And there was a message on my answering machine from Coach. They couldn't repair my bag. So, they are actually sending me a credit for $403.92!!! Refer to my Conversation with Amanada http://m2z2006.blogspot.com/2008/06/conversation-with-amanda.html to see why this is such good and amazing news. OMG OMG OMG. What am I going to get now? WOW!

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