
The beginning

So, today is a new beginning. I'm very excited.

I joined weight watchers this afternoon. I have been trying to figure out how to get to ww meetings for quite some time now. After my son started crawling, I found it impossible to attend meetings, and with my husbands work schedule I was not able to attend a weekly meeting (on the same day) and leave the boy with him.

I've been complaining for a year and 8 months.

I did join ww online. I did the etools for about 10 weeks. I didn't really like it. As much as I love being online, I did not love having to be responsible enough to report my daily food intake and weekly weigh ins online. I like to procrastinate online. Not actually HAVE TO do stuff. So, I failed miserably with etools. Besides, I NEED that face to face weigh in. I NEED someone else to see my weight on a scale. I have to have that accountability. I know it works for me.

It dawned on me last week that I should look for a weekday lunch meeting. I found one in Perrysburg. Round trip, joining, weigh in and sitting through the meeting took me exactly 1 hour. I'm very excited.

So, I bought a fancy spiral bound journal and began immediately. I overate today, by 1 point. I made a real effort to pack good food for work and had 15 points left for dinner. I ate 16 pts for dinner. I was trying to be careful too. So, this makes me realize how terrible I was eating when I wasn't trying to be careful. WOW.

So, no snacking tonight. Only a quick blog post and then I'm heading up to read in bed. Away from the kitchen. Away from the temptation.

Day one. So far so good. I'm in it for the long haul. I want that lifetime status back. I still have my lifetime membership card. I can be back there by the end of the year if I keep focused.



Brent said...

My question is what the heck did you have for dinner that was 16 points? That's a ton of points. But maybe since when I tried points I only got like 17 or 18 day, it seems that way. While the points drove me nuts b/c I felt like I never got to eat what I wanted (straight calorie counting works much more effectively for me), I'm glad to see you're back to goign to meetings. You always seem to have better success that way. Good luck to you, I'm sure you'll do well.

m2z said...

Um. I had an omelette. Dan had already mixed up the eggs. He used 7 eggs. I figure he took half (although he probably took more than half), so that's 3 eggs at 2 pts each. I put mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese in the omelette. The cheese was 2 pts per slice, that's 4 pts. I ate 2 sausage links without even thinking. They are 3 points each. = 16! ACK!

Ok, you must weigh nothing, because I never got 17 or 18 points per day. Always way more than that!

Thanks for the good luck...I'm ready. I'm gonna do it. That lifetime status is MINE!