
Mirena update

Ok, I should have posted last Thursday - at the 2 week mark - but a little late is better than never.

Now 2 1/2 weeks Mirena free - I feel great.

I no longer feel crazy. I really and honestly thought I was losing my mind. Not only was I forgetful, but I was not the same person. I flew off the handle over stupid crap, I felt depressed, I had no energy, I had no motivation, there were even times I thought my marriage was in trouble. It was crazy! I was crazy!

Imagine...my marriage in trouble. I have been in love him since I was 15 years old!

Sometimes I would sit in my car and cry. If I got a break to run errands on my own, they often ended in water works on the way home. I literally had no control over ME.

Oh sure, I acted like everything was great when I was around others...but alone, or alone with my huband and son was a different story.

Sure, certain things still make me crazy - but crazy in a sense that something wasn't done MY way - not crazy as in I should be committed. Like last night I noticed that the dish scrubby was in the sink instead of sitting in the little dish on the ledge. A month ago I would have exploded. I would have cried and probably would have stormed out of the room, to boot. Last night...I cursed under my breath, rinsed it out and set it in the dish.

I started going back to the gym last week...and I love it. I hadn't been since the end of April! Things just got so out of control within my person that I couldn't even force myself to go. I did force myself to go - that last day in April - which entailed 10 minutes on the treadmill and then 10 minutes on the bike and a half hour sitting in my car - crying, not crying, wondering what the hell was wrong with me, wondering how I could feel so terrible all the time, etc.

I'm feeling good. The minor withdrawal symptoms are gone. All other symptoms I felt while I had that thing are gone.

I actually (dare I say it out loud?) feel normal! As normal as "I" could possibly be, anyway. :)

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