
all chairs should have arms

I was nervous! Hell. I was downright scared!

The Boy has been protesting high chairs and boosters for about 6-8 wks. At home, he will sit in the high chair for breakfast only, and only once in a while. He refuses to sit at the dining room table on anything other than a regular chair. He wants to be big so bad! When I try to put him in the high chair or booster, this is what I get: "No! I don't like it chair!"

So, we went to dinner last night my my 'rents. We had only taken the Boy out to dinner once since this protest began, and it was hell! So, I was not looking forward to it. I was prepared to be very grumpy and leave early.

He actually did really well! The chairs had "arms" which could neatly be tucked under the table. The Boy thought that was cool! And so did we! Our waitress was fantastic and made sure to take care of the Boy first. (When I served years ago, we learned to take care of small children first - I'm not sure when this stopped being practiced, but it's terrible when you have a server who has no clue) She brought him a cup of fruit (which was included with his kids meal!) within a few minutes of taking our order. She filled his sippy cup with water out of the beverage hose, which he thought was very cool and asked her for more on 3 different occassions. (she obliged) She brought his grilled cheese sandwich and fries before our meals. She said "hi" to him, in return, each time she walked by.

We were all about 70% finished with our meals when he started getting squirmy. He did manage to squirm himself out of the chair and under the table once. But then he was relatively content so sit on Daddy's lap and eat broccoli off his plate.

All in all, it was a fairly relaxing meal. That's a welcome change.


Brent said...

Yes, I have found chairs with arms work very well for keeping Adam in his seat during meals when he refuses his booster seat.

m2z said...

great! the boy told me his penis was "squishy" the other day. does adam ever tell you that?

Brent said...

More times than I care to mention