
once you go black

It happens to me every time. I wish there was something I could do to make it stop.

We're going to NYC in July (yes, I do realize it's 3 months away). I have started mini-panicking about what to wear. We're attending a wedding. Yes. A wedding in NYC! I have visited NYC every year for the past 18 years. It's one of my most favorite places on earth. But, I've never attended a wedding IN NYC. I'm a little freaked out. I do consider myself a New Yorker at heart though. Always have. Always will.

First of all: the baby weight is not gone, so I feel all gross and fat and flabby and convinced that I am going to look terrible in whatever I decide to wear. I guess I do have 3 months and I could - technically - lose this "baby weight" by then. I'm going to try. I swear. But, I suppose that would begin by not eating mac-n-cheese for dinner last night.

Second: they (who the hell are "they" anyway) say you shouldn't wear black to weddings. HUH? It supposedly signifies that you disapprove of the union. Well, no, silly, that's not the case at all. Some of us just can't imagine putting any other color on our bodies. No matter how pale and pasty we are. Black is it. And I KNOW New Yorkers would agree with me.

So, do I bother looking for a non-black dress? Or do I just stick with what I know and love? Would I even feel comfortable in a "color"? Or would I feel like a circus clown? I'm thinking the latter. I know me. I know how I feel about color. You know that once you go black you never go back.

Ok, so, do I try and find something with a print? Or do I just stick with straight up black? I know sleeveless and strapless are out of the question unless I miraculously lose this weight and end up looking like Jillian Michaels.

Hmph. My life is so complex.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Girl...wear whatever you feel comfortable in. I have wedding here in Chicago the end of May and her colors are Black and Silver...so I fully intend to wear black. Wear some fabulous colored shoes and great jewelry...and you will look fantastic (as always). Black is so in now...it's not like the old days.