
weave in, weave out

My son likes to carry a bucket (and wooden spoon) along on our walks around the 'hood. The bucket - for treasures. The wooden spoon - for scooping (mud puddles mostly), of course.

Yesterday's booty proved to be quite a find. My little man's bucket was filled with various twigs, rocks, leaves, bark, pieces of roof single, and...a braid! Yes! A hair extension! A weave!

Anyone out there missing a braid?

I did mention that I would frequently gush about how brilliant my son is. He will be 2 years old a month from tomorrow. A 2 year old should have approximately 50-75 words in his/her vocabulary and be able to string together simple 2-3 word sentences. My son...brilliant as he is...said to me (in protest, of course) the other day after changing his diaper, "No, Mommy. I don't wanna wear pants anymore!" 2-3 words. pfft.

Proud mama that I am...I let him roam around sans pants, per his request.


Brent said...

Ahh finding a weave on the ground. That is the first sign of spring in the Old West End. Well that and the first sighting of "Cracky," the prostitute that often hangs out in front of Ashland Ave. Baptist.

m2z said...

Ah yes, Cracky. You know it's spring when...