
He made me do it...

Ok, so here goes. I just couldn't let that no-good-x-gay-husband of mine have a blog and not have one of my own. I really don't have much to say, at least not tonight.

I guess this blog is going to be ramblings of a boring mom and wife who works full time in the environmental industry. I spend a lot of time alone - well, not really alone, but with my son - pondering what to do next. Sometimes I have ideas, sometimes we just sit and watch scooby doo.

I will frequently gush about how wonderfully brilliant my son is, but I will likely also complain about how he drives me nuts sometimes.

Hang in there, I promise it will be a fun ride. And if you don't think it is, you can just get off.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Yeah I guess I'm the guilty one. I think we're in the same boat here, feeling that eveyone else has a blog, so we're starting one, but not quite sure what the identity will be.
At least you have lil' Zane to write about, what do I have to write about - Adam? I guess we could compare notes on which one is having problems going pee pee in the potty.