
Happy birthday baby daddy

I'm a little bit drunk. I probably shouldn't do this under the influence, but what the hay.

Today is my baby daddy's birthday. 39! The 'rents came over to watch the boy and we went to dinner. The last few times we have had the opportunity to go on a "date", we have ended up at home at 9pm-ish. Pathetic? Yes. But seriously, it's been a long time. It's like we don't know how to have a life AB (after Boy). If dinner ran late and we couldn't make it to a movie on time, we would just come home. Huh? Yes, you read that right. We would waste our opportunity to do something, anything, without our child. Sad.

So, we were going to go to a movie tonight - but lets face it - there's nothing out right now worthy of paying full price....so, we kicked around the idea of bowling. Then it dawned on me....POOL! Baby daddy and I used to play pool all the time! I love pool and played for many years in many bars! I actually used to be quite good.

Hello Miss Cue. We played pool for 2 and a half hours after dinner! We got home at 10:30! P.M.! We drank draft beer (OMG!) and played 10 games of pool! I think I even won nearly (but not quite) half of them! It was exciting.

But now...here I sit. 11:15pm. Baby daddy's in bed because draft beer makes him sick. He has a headache (aren't I supposed to be the one with the headache?) and feels pukey. Delish. Oh well. Happy birthday baby daddy. I love you.


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday "Baby Daddy"! I'm sitting here trying to decide whether to go to bed or get drunk!

Brent said...

Happy Birthday "Baby Daddy!" Geez Deb, dinner AND going to Miss Cue. You're such a little socialite these days :)