
Inappropriate Obsession

You do realize that I am inapropriately obsessed with Robert Downey, Jr. now, don't you? I have always been a fan...but with all of the substance abuse problems and all...he just didn't look good for quite some time. Recent movie roles have not been anything that have made me rush to the theatre to see. I have heard that "kiss kiss bang bang" was good...or at least that he was good in his role.

Enter IronMan...

I've never really been a big Marvel Comic person. I mean, I like superhero's and all, and I know I will get to like them better now that I have a child - a BOY! But, I've never really rushed to the theatre to see a "Superhero" movie. Ok...unless you count George Clooney as Batman. So, when I heard RDJr was playing a superhero...I was intrigued. Very intrigued.

A lot of people were very skeptical about RDJr playing a superhero. Since I was incredibly intrigued by the idea...I really wanted to see how this was going to play out. He is such a gifted actor...I was very hopeful that he could do it. He could play a superhero. The unlikely character that he is.

I agree with the NYT review of the movie. "The gadgetry is absolutely dazzling, the action is mostly exhilarating, the comedy is scintillating and the whole enormous enterprise, spawned by Marvel comics, throbs with dramatic energy because the man inside the shiny red robotic rig is a daring choice for an action hero, and an inspired one...hugely entertaining movie, and nothing can detract from Robert Downey's triple triumph -- half man, half robot, all star."

He was incredible. I loved everything about this movie. It was dazzling. It was exhilirating. It was hilarious. RDJr was a brilliant egomaniacal humanitarian superhero. And I LOVE HIM.

Ok, and the best part. Aside from his ridiculous good looks and HOT BOD. Oh, um, that is the best part. YUM.YUM.YUM.

Watch out Johnny D...RDJr is vying for that special place in my loins where you have resided for many many years.

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