
My weekend with a 2 year old

No Mommy. I don't like {insert word here} anymore. No Mommy. I don't want to do {insert word here} anymore. No Mommy. No Mommy. No Mommy.

So, my husband is on nights. And he also had to work all weekend. So...that makes for a very exhausting weekend for mommy. Not only does mommy have to find ways to entertain a 2 year old for 2 days, but she has to do the grocery shopping as well.

The weekend started ok. I guess. We headed to the market for fruits and veggies after breakfast. He was actually good at the market and entertained many passers by. He decided that was the time and place to scream at the top of his lungs for attention. Thankfully I didn't get any dirty looks and thankfully he likes to "whisper" too...so we played the whisper game. At the checkout, he asked the lady in line behind us the following "What are you doing? Are you shopping? Are you buying vegetables? Do you like it?". She looked at me and asked how old he was. He wouldn't answer that question. So, I said "He's 2". She said..."2 1/2?"...I said, "No, just 2 last month". "Oh my, and he talks like that? WOW". Yep.

We went to Target as well. We had to purchase a new Ninny (pacifier) because he threw his other one in the kitchen garbage can. Then a minute later wanted to fish it out. Um...no, we don't pick things out of the garbage. Especially things you put in your mouth. That trip went surprisingly well. I reserved the grocery store as my little getaway when my husband woke up. It sucks when my "outing" is a trip to the grocery store.

We spent a great deal of the weekend in the pool, not in the pool, in the sand box, not in the sand box, walking around the neighborhood, not walking around the neighborhood. Today, during our walk...he decided to jet across the street. He thought today was the day he no longer had to hold my hand to cross the street. We ended up sitting on the sidewalk, near the curb, having a little discussion. He was not at all interested and fought for the first couple minutes. Then he sat down between my legs while I explained to him the importance of holding my hand while crossing the street. What a battle that was.

And...in closing...when I got him from his nap this afternoon, I was talking to him while changing his diaper as I always do, and he always talks to me too. Today he said "Stop talking Mommy".

I could go on forever, but I'm done talking.

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