
Smoking with the boys!

So, 9 years ago today the husband and I quit smoking. I had smoked since I was about 17 years old. Not at my parents house, but pretty regularly otherwise. And since there was nothing else to do in the small town I grew up in, we drank and partied a lot, so I had plenty of opportunity to smoke it up on the weekends. When I was old enough to go to bars, I smoked near 2 packs per night. It was one after another, along with beer. Hubby smoked as long, and probably much more than I ever did.

Our brand at the time of quitting was Camel Wide Lights. Oh man. Talk about a smooth cigarette. And there was something extra special about the Wides too. I loved them. I still, after 9 years, occassionally dream about them.

Back a few months ago, when I had the Mirena/IUD and had completely lost my mind (seriously), I had REAL LIFE dreams that I was smoking. I drempt that I was hiding cigarettes from my husband, going out in the middle of the night to smoke, etc. Hell, maybe I WAS doing those things - I was THAT crazy when I had that damn thing.

Our reason for quitting was that we wanted to start a family. Or at least, we wanted to buy a family from the local animal shelter. 2 weeks after we quit, we headed down to pick out 2 kittens to take home with us. We adpoted John and Luke - who became Norman and Morpheous. Who are actually known today as Booka and Beady. Don't ask. I picked John, who was a cute fluffy cuddly little guy with a polka dot on his nose. I changed his name to Norman while we were in the waiting room because he was completely Psycho once out of the cage...he is now known as Booka. Dan picked Luke, the sleek skinny guy who was hanging upside down from the top of the cage. The naughty one. His name became Morpheous immediately...but is now Beady.

To this day, Booka remains crazy - totally bonkers, and Beady - naughty. Very naughty. They're good cats though, and we love them.

Now on to my son. Is it just boys, or do all pre-schoolers think bodily functions are hilarious. This kid cracks up histerically when he "toots". And will try to force more toots out. When he toots, he will put his hand over his mouth, eyes real big and say "what was that noise?" and then crack up! Same goes for burps. He is the king of burps and loves to entertain us with his fake burps. In addition, he like to watch himself pee. He's not using the potty yet (training starts in a couple weeks) but in the bathtub when all of the water has drained out, he likes to watch himself pee. He will stand or squat and contract his bladder until he pees. Then he cracks up the entire time he goes. He thinks it's hilarious. Last night after his bath, he was fake burping and it was a real long exaggerated fake burp and in the middle of it, he actually burped for real. I didn't think this kid was ever going to stop laughing. Hysterics.

I need to make an appointment for holiday photos, and think that our gimmic to get him to smile for the camera is going to have to be BURPING. Oh joy. Can't wait. The things we do, as parents, to get a good photo. *burp*

And I almost forgot...I made huge salads for dinner last night. Mixed greens, orange and yellow peppers, mushrooms, bean sprouts, tomatoes, cukes, black olives, feta cheese, grilled shrimp and topped with raisins and pepitas. My son...ate every last bit! Such a good eater! I can't imagine having a picky eater...we really lucked out. Knock on wood.

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