
2 Yr Molars?

Ok, so, I'm pretty sure he is cutting his 2 year molars.

He's been working on them for MONTHS. These are - by far - the worst ones - as far as teething symptoms goes.

He is still sleeping thru the night, so no problem there. But, he has that rattly cough he's had with all of his other teeth. The rattle has been going on for about a week now and so has the burning poop. Poor thing will have a burning flaming poop - it will hurt his butt - and next thing we know he has diaper rash. Now, he hasn't had a diaper rash since he was a wee little one. And it looks very painful and is all over his bottom and around his penis and in the creases. I feel so terrible and slather a gob of desitin on it. It goes away in a day-ish, and then returns a couple days later...when he has another flamer. Repeat.

It has to be the teeth. He really doesn't ever get sick, hasn't been sick in probably a year. And this cough...it sure does sound familiar. He still uses a pacifier (I know, I know) and has been cramming it to the back of his mouth and chomping on it. He's very whiney and clingy, and his appetite comes and goes. And he's an eater...so when he doesn't eat...I get concerned.

Tonight...he wanted marshmallows for dinner. I didn't care. He didn't feel good. He was laying on the couch with a sore butt and a rattly cough. If he wants marshmallows...he gets marshmallows.

Hurry up you damn molars. I hate seeing him like this.

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