
General Babble

There's just so much to think about.

This is a crazy time for us. We had court today. I can't really talk about it, but phase 1 is complete. My husband has an interview this week (via phone, maybe) for a position in Columbus. I don't necessarily want to move to Columbus, and there are a lot of things they would have to offer in order for us to pack up and move, but it's exciting. It's a step closer to getting out of his current place of employment. Plus, it's a large company with an office here in Toledo, so if the Columbus thing doesn't work out, hopefully he will be considered for anything that opens up around here. I do, after all, have connections there.

My husband's upcoming work schedule puts him working all weekend for the next - at least - 3 weeks - so I'm debating if I want to tackle potty training by myself. I'm planning to do the fast track method. I have the doll, both a potty and the insert thing you put on a regular toilet to give the boy a choice, big boy underwear, etc. We talk about it all the time. He likes to watch himself pee in the bath. He knows he can control it by contracting his bladder, and will start and stop it while in the bath. It really is funny. I'm really not interested in taking 6 months to potty train my child by putting him on the potty once in a while or whenever it is convenient. I'm really hoping the fast track works. He's very strong willed, so he has to be into it too. I'm still on the fence about this one.

Our 9 year wedding anniversary is next week. I have no idea what to get my husband. He said he only wanted one thing...and I can't repeat it. He's a simple man. We have a date planned though. More about that later.

I'm starting to freak out about a little pre-school and real school. I have no idea where to send the boy. We kicked around Montessori...and aside from the cost, we decided that we don't want our child to be a robot. He's far to outgoing, energetic, excited. He's never been to daycare, only a home sitter. I did visit a couple daycares when he was brand new, but they scared the heck out of me, so I never looked again. I really have no interest. I do, however, want to get him into pre-school next year, at least for half days a couple days a week. I really need to start talking to people to get some recommendations.

I want to transition him into his big boy bed at Christmastime. I found the bedding today. Now I'm nervous about the transition. Why? I have no idea. I'm afraid that my awesome sleeper will change when he has freedom. He has slept thru the night since he was 12 weeks old, with only a few incidents over the past 2 years (I can count them on one hand), involving puke or teething, where he woke in the night. I'm just worried he will feel the need to get out of bed a hundred times per night.

I'm anxious for my weigh in tomorrow. I'm ready for something exciting on the scale. We'll see.

I'm excited to get a Blackberry. I just need to find the time to make it happen. While we were waiting for "court" this morning, my husband was playing with the Voyager (my current phone which will become his) and almost instantly locked it up. Bizarre.

I like my new bangs and I think they make me look younger, but I have a couple weird frizzy sections that are making me nuts. I think I may quickly run the flat iron over them tomorrow and see if that helps.

Just more of the same. General mindless babble.


Anonymous said...

I don't think the Montessori kids get weird until kindergarten and up. You know my kids, and neither one is a robot!!! You should visit and have him check it out. See how he interacts there. I've also heard great things about the preschool at the zoo.

m2z said...

Thanks Danielle. I wasn't sure how long you sent Dyl to Montessori and I didn't know you sent Max...I suppose it's worth a visit. I have heard great things about the preschool at the zoo too. And it's super close, so that's a bonus!!

Katie said...

I agree with Danielle about Montessori...the preschools are pretty great. I remember hearing great things about the zoo, too. Finding a place sucks - I visited about 10 places when we moved, and we just switched again (the place we are at now was at the top of my list when we moved but they started at 18m and she wasn't old enough).
Hope the court thing isn't something too bad.
Tell Dan good luck with the job...and Columbus isn't that bad!
